Rooted Farmers and The Gardener’s Workshop are partnering together to offer grants to developing communities of growers.
Our team has been working closely with regional groups across the country who are at various stages of forming a cooperative/collective, and we are SO inspired by your passion and determination. This grant is designed to assist your group with start-up expenses and provide mentorship opportunities as you navigate the ins and outs of growing your flower community.
Grants range from $500 - $1,500 in a reimbursement-structured funding opportunity.
What is a Collective?
Other names: Cooperative; Floral Hub; Flower Exchange
A selling collaboration among growers; Collectives serve as a floral aggregator with the goal of streamlining relationship management, communications, sales, and logistics operations for both buyers (florists/designers) and sellers (farmers).
Who is this designed for?
Groups of four or more growers who are working to organize and formalize into a collaborative. If you are within 0-24 months of your formation date, located within the United States, and ready to dig in, then this grant is for you!
When should we apply?
Applications are due by March 15, 2022
Where do we submit applications?
All applications should be submitted to reachout@rootedfarmers.com.
How do we find out more?
Review the request for applications (RFA) for full eligibility requirements and application submission details. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to touch base to discuss further.